It’s been close to twelve months since I started my business. It hasn’t been all upside, but it often feels like it.
Over the past couple of weeks I’ve discovered a downside. It’s really hard to switch off. A couple of hours here and there is easy. Days at a time aren't, and I’m out of the office for the second time in three weeks.
I’ve got a post planned that I’ve been wanting to write since I started my blog, and it’s nearly ready. Well, in my head at least, the pen hasn’t troubled the paper yet.
The end of the Olympics was a perfect time for it too.
Today I went for a bike ride with a good friend. We cycled through some really idyllic countryside, and it ended with a conversation over coffee.
“I need to write tomorrow’s blog”
“Don’t do it, you’re on holiday”
“I need to show up”
“You’ve been showing up for nearly a year, take a break”
So we came to a compromise. The post I’ve been meaning to write can stay where it is for another seven days, and instead I’ll choose to be present for the people who matter the most.
